Does the Whole World now have OCD?

I look around and see the world desperately trying to process the last two and half years.  People are still trying to figure out where Covid fits into our lives, what data they can and should believe, and how to live in a world recovering from a unique set of scary experiences brought on by a pandemic. Nowadays, a trip to the grocery store may look different regarding how many people choose to still wear a mask. I see my fellow humans trying tirelessly to make sense of the last 2 years, often with inconsistent practices because everything feels like it’s constantly changing. Does a mask really make us feel more comfortable out in the world? How much is too much hand washing? What restrictions do we need to put on our children to keep them safe, even though we know deep down that Covid won’t likely harm them? Is the world obsessed with Covid? Has our society begun to create compulsions to relieve the anxiety we feel about this new and rapidly changing virus?

            I most certainly don’t have the answers to the questions I pose above, but I have spent over a decade combatting compulsions that revolve around germs and being worried about how to keep my family from becoming “contaminated” by all germs.  Our world became consumed with panic about a virus that could do great harm and while those concerns were valid in the beginning, now I’ve begun to wonder if the anxiety pendulum hasn’t swung a bit too far into an unhealthy region of our minds.

            A few weeks ago, my middle child had Scarlett Fever. She had a high fever, chills, sore throat, and a horrible rash covering her body. I’d tested her for Covid, because that’s what you’re “supposed” to do, but didn’t worry so much about what the results were going to be. I didn’t change how I cared for her based on the results of her test and wasn’t planning to quarantine her if she had Covid or not. I know some people would have done so given how sick she was, no matter what the germ was called. Looking back on that week I see how my own judgment was clouded by the overwhelming presence of Covid these last few years. Once I saw the test results indicating that she didn’t have Covid, it was as though I’d forgotten to keep an eye out for other concerning viral things. I didn’t catch on that she had strep, sore throat, and all because, with all the never-ending Covid talk, it’s as though I’d forgotten Strep throat even existed. It’s like my mind was only used to thinking about Covid alone and making sure I was finding balance so I wouldn’t be fearful of getting that one specific germ. After this experience, I’m left to wonder if the whole world on some level is dealing with germ-based OCD.

            Wearing gloves and a mask while shopping for food was once commonplace, along with allowing delivered packages to sit outside our door for 48 hours so all the germs would die. Standing more than six feet away from people or avoiding contact with strangers was commonplace and acceptable during the year 2020. We now have data and studies that show that these practices aren’t necessary anymore. The strength of the virus has died down and life has moved on in countless ways. This all leaves me wondering, why are so many people still feeling the need to perform these types of protocols? How many of these people are using these actions as compulsions? Does it relieve all their unnecessary anxiety? How are their behaviors any different than my own prior to Covid when I felt a need to wipe down my groceries to prevent germs from spreading in my home?

            I wish I knew the answers to my questions. I don’t know every single individual motivation for continuing with quarantine practices in everyday life, but I think it’s helpful for all of us to ponder our motivations as we all move forward having suffered through a very scary time in history. It’s hard to be brave and move into the world sans masks, but it’s also freeing. Compulsions become addictive in how they relieve anxiety momentarily and I would ask us all to check ourselves for the desire to rely on any fear-based habits we may be struggling to break. I understand the temptation to fear germs and it can be crippling, but let’s all remember that our great God created those germs, and we can trust in how He allows them to exist in our world.

            (I want to be clear that I am not arguing pro or against any one view regarding Covid. I am simply observing and discussing. Only kind comments please!)


OCD is a sneaky devil


Old Stuff has a Story